Last Chance Registration closes In...
A Life of Energy, Vitality & Confidence Could
Be Just Days Away...
The Health You Deserve is a Lot Closer Than You've Been Led to Believe...
Inflammation Free by April...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS!  Let's MAKE IT HAPPEN Together, Starting Today...
A Total Health & Energy Transformation in Days...
Wipe the Slate Cleanse and Give Your Body a Fresh Start - The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Will Undo YEARS of Damage & Imbalance in Just Days Using Real, Whole Foods.  It's Delicious, Easy & Enjoyable...
What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were
21lbs lighter by April...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a Total, Whole-Body Transformation, a Whole-Foods Reset that Creates the Balanced Environment in Your Body that Makes Fat Loss Effortless
Imagine Being 21lbs lighter by April...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a Total, Whole-Body Transformation, a Whole-Foods Reset that Creates the Balanced Environment in Your Body that Makes Fat Loss Effortless
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS!  
Let's Make It Happen Together Starting TODAY...
Transform Your Health, Body & Energy and Get Past Your Biggest Health Challenges in Just Days...
A Life of Energy, Vitality & Confidence Could
Be Just Days Away...
The Health You Deserve is a Lot Closer Than You've Been Led to Believe...
Inflammation Free by April...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS!  Let's MAKE IT HAPPEN Together, Starting Today...
A Total Health & Energy Transformation in Days...
Wipe the Slate Cleanse and Give Your Body a Fresh Start - The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Will Undo YEARS of Damage & Imbalance in Just Days Using Real, Whole Foods.  It's Delicious, Easy & Enjoyable...
What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were
21lbs lighter by April...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a Total, Whole-Body Transformation, a Whole-Foods Reset that Creates the Balanced Environment in Your Body that Makes Fat Loss Effortless
Imagine Being 21lbs lighter by April...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a Total, Whole-Body Transformation, a Whole-Foods Reset that Creates the Balanced Environment in Your Body that Makes Fat Loss Effortless

NOW is the time for you to draw the line in the sand and say "IT'S ENOUGH"...

If you are SICK and TIRED of not having the health, energy & life you deserve, get started with me NOW.  Let's make TODAY the start of your whole new healthy, vibrant life.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS.  It's a simple, whole-foods, easy, enjoyable and nourishing reset for your body.  Now is the time.  Let's do this...

Very Limited Time Opportunity: Closes on 28th February -
- 30 Day 100% Risk Free Money-Back Guarantee

Denise's Cleanse Story: "I Reversed Arthritis, Removed ALL Inflammation, and Am Now Medication & Pain Free!"

Denise - Alkaline Reset Cleanse
Coaching Program 2019

After a virus triggered psoriatic arthrits in my body, most of my day was spent in pain. I was truly frightened.  The doctors told me the only answer was a lifetime of medication and to expect it to get worse.

Well, fast forward a few months and after the Cleanse the difference was amazing. The energy was unrecognisable – I actually felt well again, full of life.  

The inflammation and pain subsided straight away and within a few months I completely stopped the medication. I went to see my doctor who did all of the tests and everything came back clear. I am completely free of arthritis! 

The benefits never end – over the 21 days of the Reset I lost over 14lbs (6.5kg) and my psoriasis has gone.   It’s really given me back my life.  Thank you Ross! 

If you want to end the pain, frustration and battle with your body for good and create the health & energy you deserve, to live better, feel better and wake up every day energized, confident and ready to take on the World, then read on, because… 
There is a reason you're here...
I don’t know how long you’ve been struggling and in pain – maybe it’s weeks, maybe it’s decades.  And I don’t know what your challenge or goal is yet – weight loss (or gain), fatigue, inflammation, autoimmune, hormone imbalance, digestion, diabetes…

But what I can tell you is this absolute, proven truth:
the Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS.  It's proven in the scietific literature and it's been proven with thousands of my students.

If you are ready to say "It's ENOUGH"... I am here to hold your hand and walk with you every step of the way while we transform your health forever with the Alkaline Reset Cleanse.

Let Me Show You How, With Real Whole Foods, & Nourishing Recipes You Can Transform Your Health
and Life Forever…in Just Days...
I want you to know this: amazing change with your health can happen quickly, and it can transform your life in a matter of days.  It doesn't take a ton of supplements, pills, potions - just the goodness Mother Nature has given us...

We’ve been led to believe that attaining health has to be a tough process…that significant change takes years, pain, cravings, willpower…to be ‘on a diet’ for the rest of your life…
But I know, and have proven, that this is not true.
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse can change your life forever, in days, using the power of foods.  How? It gives the body exactly what it needs to heal, repair and thrive.
It is about knowing how your body works, what it needs, and returning to nature…real, whole, natural, nourishing foods and supporting the body with everything it needs in to reset, cleanse and heal.  

This is what the Alkaline Reset Cleanse is all about.
It is so easy, it doesn’t take a load of time each day (if anything it saves you time in your day!), it doesn’t require expensive supplements and it doesn’t mean you have to change your diet for the rest of your life...
It is simple, powerful, delicious, quick and easy – and the results can be just stunning...

So, right now I want you to throw away any past beliefs about a ‘cleanse’ being hard, time-consuming, staving yourself, eating or drinking weird stuff, headaches, hunger, feeling deprived and ‘toughing it out’.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is the complete opposite of that. 

It’s a positive journey of nourishment, abundance, reconnecting with your body – feeling energized, alive and full of life.
This is a natural, nourishing, delicious program.  It doesn't require supplements, or hours of time a day...and...

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS!

Eugenia was stressed, stuck in the sugar-crash-cycle and had gained weight.  Doing the ARC she lost 20lbs in 21 days and her energy skyrocketed.

Eugenia Blackmon

Juanita was diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune condition which left her frequently hospitalised.  She is now pain-free, medication-free, back to hiking and lost 30lbs.

Juanita Butler

Robert reversed the symptoms of his polycystic kidneys and chronic fatigue, and is now marathon running, and rosacea-free!  

Robert Boehm

Sam was struggling with fatigue, inflammation and arthritis.  She is now pain free, energized, lost weight and her family "has their Sam back"....

Sam Smallwood-Pounds

Faced with worsening arthritis and a lifetime of medication, Denise reversed all of her symptoms, is now medication free, lost weight and her psoriasis too!

Denise Bird-Newell

Cathy was desperate...10 years of digestive pain and adrenal fatigue.  The ARC solved both, and Cathy is thriving again.

Cathy Corn

Gina had survived cancer TWICE, but the treatment left her struggling.  After just ONE Cleanse she lost 20lbs in 28 days and her immunity is strong again.

Gina Stewart

Laura was struggling with low mood and  chronic fatigue.  After just the 'BEFORE' stage of the Cleanse her fatigue was gone, and now she is energized & thriving.

Laura Atyeo

Jennifer needed to get her life back on track after 3 tough years.  After her Cleanse she had lost 30lbs, her confidence was back and she's loving life!

Jennifer Gordon

Gail had gained weight, her energy had gone and she had a fatty liver diagnosis.  After her Cleanse she had lost  15lbs in 21 days, and her liver got the all-clear!

Gail Mulhall

Helen was diagnosed with osteoporosis of the spine two years prior.  After doing the ARC she went back to the doctor and got an 'all clear' diagnosis.  She's glowing!

Helen Reynolds

Barbara had a long-term struggle with her weight, nothing had worked.  Thanks to the ARC she lost 5 inches from her waist & 3 inches from her stomach!

Barbara Vasey

Valerie had been a long-term sufferer of fibromyalgia, struggling to get through each day due to pain and fatigue.  She did the ARC & is now pain-free and running!

Valerie Monks-Lascelle

Lost weight, belt in 2 notches!  Less fatigue, back to her old self.  Reflux gone, bloating gone, joint pain gone...and candida and adrenal fatigue gone too!

Corona Green

Annette was fed up with fatigue.  She needed it to change.  She did the Cleanse and now describes her energy as 'unbelievable'!

Annette Burgess

After a cancer diagnosis, Barbara joined the Alkaline Reset Cleanse and she saw her energy and mental clarity skyrocket. 

Barbara Aarden

Angelique has always struggled to lose weight, but in seven days she lost 7lbs!  She gained more energy, and compliments about how much she glows!

Angelique Baars

Simone did the ARC and now her skin is clear, her energy is amazing, no more hot flushes and she's able to sleep properly for the first time in years...

Simone Babineau

Tracey needed a reboot - after years of brain fog and fatigue, she did the Cleanse and said goodbye to both.  She's now energized, thriving and loving life!

Tracey Bessant

Joyce was desperate to get off pain medication and get back to being herself.  With the Cleanse she did just that, losing 12lbs in the process!

Joyce Doucette

Richard needed to reduce inflammation and lose weight.  He completed the ARC and achieved both while loving the delicious healthy, whole foods!

Richard Arthur

Gail jumped into the Alkaline Reset Cleanse to heal her digestive system and give her back the energy she once had - it did not disappoint.

Gail McIver

Kate had decided that NOW was her time and she jumped in - she lost 10lbs, got rid of chronic fatigue, improved her skin and she's doing it again this year!

Kate Bonsor

Valerie was desperate for a reboot - and the Cleanse did it!  She stabilised her blood sugar, lost weight, her rashes cleared up and she has TONS of energy!

Valerie Frankel

Bente wanted to get her energy back, to get her weight stable again and give her back the mental clarity she needs as a high-volume publishing academic!

Bente Petersen

Tony has arthritis of the spine, which causes significant pain.  After just a few days of the ARC Tony's pain is almost all gone!

Tony Cass

Over 1,400 students have successfully completed the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program with me, their results are incredible.   They love the experience, they love how they feel and they return to the program year after year...

We have to change what we’re doing…dieting is not enough.
Diets do not work.  Dieting won’t undo the damage. 

It won’t get your body back to where it needs to be.

If you’ve been struggling like most people (and like I certainly was) - for years - then I know you know this. I know you already know that what we’re being told to do is only making things worse. I know you know that drugs are not the solution, that they’re only masking the symptoms and making it worse beneath the surface. I know you know this.

What we’ve been doing isn’t working and we need to change in a big way…

We need a reboot. We need to reset, wipe the slate clean and undo the years of damage. 

We need to clear out the junk, heal and repair.

We need to rebalance and reset our hormones, our pH, our immune system, rebuild the liver and kidneys, rebalance our thyroid and adrenals, nourish the brain and sooth our digestion. 

We need to re-create the environment in our body within which we can thrive and when we do, we will instantly feel vibrant, energized and alive…

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Works - And It Will Work for You!
No matter what your health goal is, the Alkaline Reset Cleanse will work for you. I can say this with confidence because this isn’t a weight loss plan…it’s not a digestion plan or an anti-aging plan. 

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a whole-body rebalancing plan.

My 15+ years of research and has shown me that the body has ONE GOAL at it’s core – BALANCE.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse rapidly restores this balance, and once this happens, your health challenges – no matter what they are – will subside.  

Weight will fall away (or be regained if you’re underweight), fatigue and mental fog will lift, digestion will heal and soothe, hormones will rebalance, pain will disappear…
Now is YOUR Time…
I don’t know how long you’ve been struggling with your health. If you’re like most people, your health challenge has been with you for years if not decades. 

Decades of frustration, pain and feeling like you’re at war with your body.  
I want you to know it ends here.

All you need is seven days, for you to get started, to experience the benefits for yourself and to put years of pain behind you.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program is powerful and it works, and now is the PERFECT time for you and I to get started together.

What You Get When You Join the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program is the complete step-by-step, day-by-day training and support program that gives you everything you need to effortlessly transform your health, energy and body in 21-days and beyond...
The program guides you through each phase of the Alkaline Reset Cleanse: Before, During and After with 21-days of daily action plans & checklists, meal plans, recipes and training guides.

There are three core modules in the program:  Module 1 is BEFORE the Cleanse, Module 2 is the Cleanse, and Module 3 is what to do AFTER the Cleanse to keep your results going for life.

We've made it easy for you so all you need to do is follow the steps, and get the results – all at your own pace.
There is no pressure to do a Cleanse right away…and in each phase you don’t have to move forward until you’re ready. 
Everything is there for you when you need it.

This is not just a ‘dump the information on you all at once and hope you get through it'.

 This is an intentionally designed learning experience that takes you by the hand and guides you through step-by-step.
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program is designed to support you, help you to take action, give you the best Cleanse experience possible, and the most amazing results you could ever imagine.

A decade of care and experience has gone into it, and I just know you’re going to love being a part of it.




Here's How the Program Works:

From the second you join, you are under my care & guidance.  You will get instant access to all of the training, the community, the lessons, meal plans and everything you need. You will be able to follow along and learn at your own pace, with everything available to you, plus all the support you need, whenever you need it.

Inside the Program:

Step-by-Step Training Showing You How to Do the Cleanse: Before, During and After too!

Step-By-Step Training & Guidance: How to Do the Alkaline Reset Cleanse

Over three modules (covering the "Before", "During" and "After" the Cleanse) you will get 35+ bite-size, step-by-step training videos - each with a transcript, action plan and resources to walk you through your successful Alkaline Reset Cleanse.

Everything is at your own pace, and overwhelm-free.  You can also reach out to me if you need support on any of the steps!

Meal Plans, Recipes & Shopping Lists Tailored to YOUR Goal!

Meal Plans, Recipes & Shopping Lists for YOUR Goal

Not only are there over 200+ recipes inside the program, but you also get the exact, day-by-day meal plans for Before, During & After your Cleanse too.  

Each meal plan comes with an itemized shopping list, down to the exact  number of cucumbers and avocados you need.  So all you need to do is print the list, buy the foods and follow the meal plan.

There are meal plans tailored to dozens of goals including Inflammation, Weight Loss, Energy, Hormone Reset, Digestive Healing & more...

FOUR Live Group Cleanses with Day-by-Day Coaching & Live Support from Me!

FOUR Live Group Cleanses Together - Day-By-Day Coaching from Me

This is powerful, and my favourite part of the program!  Over the next 12 months we will do FOUR live group Cleanses together - day-by-day, step-by-step, as a community - supporting each other, cheering and celebrating together - it is so powerful and so much fun.

The first Group Cleanse kicks off early March, and then another mid-April.  Then a few months later...and so on.  It gives you that line in the sand, and practically guarantees your success.

A warm, friendly, supportive community of likeminded people who just 'get it' - right there for you.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse COMMUNITY

If you don't have likeminded people supporting you at home - this is absolutely essential - THIS is where you can feel at home, and feel understood.

This is such a wonderful part of being in the ARC - we support each other, share ideas and recipes, reach out when we need help, celebrate wins together and pick each other up when we're needing a hug.

Each year, lifelong friendships form in this group, it's just amazing.  

Direct access to me, personally, when you need it and whenever you're ready to do YOUR Cleanse...

PLUS Support from Me the Entire Time...

I will be on-hand, available to you whenever you need me through our private community, asking me questions in the member's training website, under any of the training videos....

PLUS - for the first 8 weeks of our time together, I will be holding 'Office Hours' Q&A sessions on a weekly basis - where you can talk with me and ask me ANYTHING!

You will not find this level of personal, private support anywhere else.

And remember...
You Don’t Need to Start Right Away – The Program is Here for You When You Need It!
You don’t have to do your Cleanse immediately! 

 The training is there for you when you’re ready. You can access all of this on-demand, whenever you need to, as much as you need to for as long as you need to!  

Direct access to me, personally, when you need it and whenever you're ready to do YOUR Cleanse...

I will be on-hand, available to you whenever you need me through our private community, asking me questions in the member's training website, under any of the training videos....

PLUS - for the first 8 weeks of our time together, I will be holding 'Office Hours' Q&A sessions on a weekly basis - where you can talk with me and ask me ANYTHING!

You will not find this level of personal, private support anywhere else.

Here's a Little Tour of Inside the Member's Area So You Can Get a Feel For It...

More Success Stories from the Alkaline Reset Cleanse!

I know I keep saying it, but The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS...!

PLUS When You Join Today You Get Over $450+ of Exclusive Bonuses

The 14-Day Quit Sugar Success Program
Normally $197
Sugar is the #1 most acidic food there is, and it's also the most addictive.  When you join the ARC you get instant access to my best-selling program "The Quit Sugar Success Plan" which is the perfect "Before" the Cleanse plan.  You will, over 14-days, effortlessly eliminate sugar from your life, pain-free, craving-free and headache-free too!

It's easy, step-by-step and so straightforward.  You won't believe how effortless it can be - and you can literally get started today.
Normally $97
The Alkaline Eating Out Guide
Normally $97
This is a challenge for so many people, but it can be SO easy.  In this guide I teach you how to navigate practically every cuisine, social situation and dining-out experience - so you can still enjoy yourself and have fun, but not throw all of your good work out of the window!

For so many people one bad meal, bad night or extra bad treat can set them back weeks and months.  It can be a slippery slope.  But not now!
Normally $97
The Alkaline Work Lunchbox & On-The-Go 
Normally $97
This training takes care of one of the #1 challenges to your ongoing alkaline life - the what to have when you're at work or on-the-go.  I give you simple, easy and quick-to-make lunchboxes, on-the-go transportable snacks and meals, and I take the thinking and hard work away for you.  

There are week-long work lunch(box) ideas mapped out with your recipes and shopping lists to make it a breeze.
Normally $97
The Alkaline On-A-Budget Plan
RRP $97
Lifetime access to my core training that shows you how to plan out your alkaline days weeks and months ahead, in just minutes - with shopping lists, recipes and everything organised.  

This will save you hours and tick THE most important step in making your alkaline life easy, effortless and practically guaranteed.

This makes it so easy to stick to, and with this consistency the results are incredible.  
Normally $97
The Alkaline x Keto Meal Plan & Recipe Book
Normally $97
An extra bonus for 2020 - I show you how to combine the Alkaline Diet with the Ketogenic Diet in your 'After' the Cleanse phase (i.e. the rest of your life).  

Combined, these two approaches can be exponentially powerful. 

You get instant access to my Keto x Alkaline Recipes, Meal Plan and Masterclass Guides to get you into a state of "Al-keto-sis"!  

This has never before been made available outside of my exclusive coaching group and this could be your only chance to get it!

Normally $97

That's over $450+ of incredible free training when you join before the doors close on Friday 28th February at Midnight EST.  Don't put this off!  And remember...

You Can Join Today 100% Risk Free with My 100% Money-Back Guarantee

You can join today, experience what it’s like to be supported by me, try the recipes, follow the meal plans, download the guides, get on our live coaching calls, do the entire Alkaline Reset Cleanse or join me in our first Live Group Cleanse…
Try the entire program for thirty days and if you are unhappy, you can receive a full refund, no questions asked.

This means it is absolutely zero-risk to you. You have absolutely nothing to lose. I want you to feel confident and relaxed that you can make the decision to join today without that risk.

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS... It Will Effortlessly Undo Years of Damage and Create the Level of Health, You Deserve…
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is powerful. 

 In just seven-days it can change your health and life forever

 That is a big call, but it’s proven. I have seen it over and over again with my students over the past ten years – they have all experienced life-changing results from putting the Cleanse into practice.
No stress, no complexity, no overwhelm and no big time-commitments either.  Just real, whole foods & so much energy...
 It’s quick, simple, powerful and so enjoyable.

Over the past decade thousands and thousands of people have been through the Alkaline Reset Cleanse with me.  

The Cleanse works. It just works. 

 And it is proven beyond doubt. I spent years researching and creating this program, and since its first release in 2008 I have spent over a decade refining it – making it more powerful and more enjoyable each year, with every class I run. And what you are about to join today is what I believe to be the most unique, powerful and enjoyable program on Earth. In my fifteen years of being a health coach, I can tell you - nothing comes close to this. 
 The 2020 class of the Alkaline Reset Cleanse will be by far the most incredible yet.
“The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a new way of thinking about your body, and it rocks. 

Ross will show you how to use the healing power of nature and your intuition—no starving, no cravings, nothing like your typical ‘detox.’

Radiant health is possible; let Ross guide the way.”
— Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author
Follow the Steps & Get the Results...
The Program is Built Around THREE Core Modules: Before, During & After 
In each module you get meal plans for your goal (yes, there are plans for weight loss, inflammation, digestion, hormone reset & more), itemized shopping lists, day-by-day checklists & guides and everything else you need to make it as easy, quick and done-for-you as possible...
BEFORE the Cleanse Module
This is all about the 7-days before you start your Alkaline Reset Cleanse and in some ways, this is the most important seven days of the entire program. 

 Done right, and with the few simple, yet powerful, steps I’ll share with you in this module you will make your Cleanse so much easier, more enjoyable AND more effective. And when you jump into this module, you’ll see just how easy and done-for-you I make it:

  • The Simple Seven-in-Seven: this training shows you the most easy-to-to daily steps, all of which take just minutes-per-day, that will lay the foundation to give you the maximum results from your Cleanse.  
  • You don’t have to do them all, you can pick those that fit best into your daily routine, and they will prepare your body, begin gently cleansing and supporting your digestive system, immune system, liver and kidneys, and start bringing you results, momentum and confidence right away.
  • Many of my students reach their goals for the Cleanse during this Before stage simply by following The Simple Seven, it’s that powerful! 
  • The Pain-Free Transition Plan: nobody likes giving stuff up…sugar, gluten, caffeine…these can be painful to eliminate, and cravings, headaches & mood swings can hit your motivation pretty hard.  
  • Thankfully we don’t do ‘pain’ on the Alkaline Reset Cleanse.    This Cleanse  is about abundance, positivity and joy and so…we have a plan for that! In this training I show you how to effortlessly transition these foods down so you’re your Cleanse is completely craving, pain and stress-free.  
  • Done-for-You Meal Plans & Shopping Lists: to gently transition you to a more alkaline, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich lifestyle, you get the ultimate in ‘done-for-you’ – seven-day meal plans, covering every meal, the itemized shopping list to match the meal plan and all of the recipes to follow.  
  • This means all you need to do is take the shopping list to the grocery store, buy the foods and then follow the meal plan and you get the result. This is important because it saves you a huge eamount of time every day, eliminates confusion and because you have the written plan, it dramatically reduces the chance of you falling off track.
  • ​The Partner Plan: for those of you who don't have, shall we say, a super-supportive partner to join you in the Cleanse(!) in this training we navigate how to go it alone, including how to avoid cooking two meals every mealtime, how to resist the temptation of their meals and how to stay positive in a challenging environment!
  •  The Goal Setting Workshop: this powerful session takes under 45-minutes but can be life-changing. It has been hugely popular and the success stories are quite incredible. This gets you focused, motivated and ready to take on the World.  
  • And so much more including: the Cleanse Supplements & Equipment Guide, the Breathing Exercises for Detoxification, the Day-by-Day Pre-Cleanse Checklists & more...
This module is all about setting you up for success before we head into the 'During' phase of your Cleanse...

During the Cleanse Module
This is where we get into the core of the Alkaline Reset Cleanse – the seven days that are going to change your health, and your life, forever.

Doing the Cleanse right leads to a joyous, positive, uplifting week, where the positive benefits flow day after day, your mental clarity is sharp and uplifting, your energy skyrockets and your confidence soars. You feel light, energized and alive. It is such a wonderful experience.

But done wrong? Hunger, headaches, cravings, pains, flu-like feelings, mood swings and ultimately, most people give up within 36 hours.

In this module I distill everything into clear, step-by-step, day-by-day plans for you, so you know exactly what to do, when and how.
  • The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Core Training: which covers everything, in simple, confusion-free steps on how to do the Cleanse. This guarantees you won’t make any of the most common mistakes that derail other people who try an ‘alkaline cleanse’, and ensures you’ll find it easy and stress-free.
  • Day-by-Day on the ARC: in-depth training which shows you exactly what will happen and what you will be doing each day on the ARC, from Day 1-7 - what to expect, what to do and all of your questions answered. This is important because it removes any hint of confusion or any feelings of overwhelm because it gives you the picture of success – what your day will look like, so you can simply follow along and get the result!
  • 12 Goal-Based Cleanse Meal Plans & Shopping Lists: these meal plans are focused on the recipes with the specific ingredients based on your goal, and you can pick from Weight Loss, Anti-Inflammation, Reflux Remedy, Digestive Healing and so many more!
  • The ARC Action Plans: more time-saving, done-for-you, overwhelm-busting training -the ARC Action Plans are literally the checkbox ‘what-to-do’ each day. My students LOVE these because they make it so easy and guarantee you don’t miss a single step!  
  • The Time-Saving Plan: the ARC has been built with the most time-poor student in mind. Baked into the ARC are dozens of strategies to guarantee that the ARC, by default, will save you HOURS during each phase. But this training takes it to another level. It gives you the result of my 10+ years experience, plus the combined experience of the thousands upon thousands of ARC students and their best tips and strategies you can pick and choose from and put into practice with ease. 
  • ​Plus trainings on Exercise on the ARC, What to Do If You Get Hungry, Hydration on the Cleanse, What to Do If You Feel Like Giving Up…and so much more! 
This module is so jam-packed it could be the course just by itself, and there is so much more in there than I’ve had room to list!

And once you’ve finished your Cleanse and transformed your health, it’s time to lock those benefits in for good and turn this into an effortless lifestyle, to put your energy and vitality on autopilot and live a wonderful, fun, balanced life full of good stuff AND treats too so you don’t ever have to feel like you’re ‘on a diet’ for the rest of your life…

That’s what I will show you next…

After the Cleanse Module
This is where we set you up for the rest of your new, vibrant, energized life.

Finishing your Cleanse isn’t just about feeling good now, it’s about going into your future with confidence and excitement that you’ll live a long, healthy life of strength and vitality for decades to come.

The ‘After the Cleanse’ phase is characterised by it’s effortless simplicity and now your body has been rebalanced and healed, it’s about maximising the benefits, giving your body the tools it needs to thrive, and enjoying your newfound energy while now being able to enjoy the treats, nights out, parties, holidays and date nights while still experiencing the level of health you deserve.

In the “After the Cleanse” module you’ll discover…

  • The Step-by-Step, Day-by-Day: again, just as with the ‘Before’ and ‘During’ phases, you’ll get the clear and simple hand-holding to show you what you need to know, do and why each day for the seven days After the Cleanse. It is so important to end your Cleanse the right way. It isn’t hard, but if you do it wrong, you’ll quickly undo the hard work you’ve just done and put yourself back to square one.
  •  Meal Plans, Shopping Lists: and of course, you get all of your 7-Day Meal Plans, Shopping Lists & Recipes for the After phase too, so you can simply follow the plan and get the result. These plans are specifically crafted for this super-important part of the Cleanse, and you’ll find them DELICIOUS, but so easy to follow too, to put your ‘After’ week on autopilot and give you more time to enjoy your new-found energy! 
  •  The Cleanse Afterburners: When done right, the “After the Cleanse” phase can amplify the results from your ARC for weeks and months after – your benefits will get bigger and bigger, with just a few simple habits put in place. We call this the “Cleanse Afterburners”. With very little effort or time required, your goals from the Cleanse will continue to grow and grow… 
  • ​ Alkaline x Keto x Paleo x Your Plan! No matter what ongoing healthy lifestyle plan you were following before (if any) or want to afterwards – whether that’s an ongoing alkaline lifestyle OR something like keto or paleo – this training will show you how you can incorporate the core alkaline principles into any ongoing lifestyle choice.   
  •  Plus so much more to set you up for a lifetime of amazing health, without feeling like you’re ‘on a diet’, and instead feeling like you can enjoy your life!
My goal for every Alkaline Reset Cleanse student is to rapidly remove the pain and challenges with your health, and then create a level of energy in your life that frees you up to do the things you love and live the life you always dreamed of – and I want the same thing for you.
Don't Forget: We Will Also Be Doing

Now, it's essential you know that you can do YOUR Cleanse whenever you need to - everything is in the program, and you can get support to do the Cleanse whenever the time is right for you.

BUT, if you feel you need to have that line in the sand, the accountability, the extra support and community during your are going to LOVE the Group Cleanses!

These are so amazing, and so powerful. This is where we go through the 21 days of the Before, During and After TOGETHER as a group and the community is just buzzing. 
You get daily training from me, we have loads of live calls together, I give everything during these and they are another guarantee you’ll DO THIS and do it right. 

If you have any fear around not following through and doing this – if you’ve ever bought a program before and not gotten started – you will love this..
These Live Group Cleanses are like a line in the sand and a great way to guarantee you get started, get accountable, get supported by the whole group and do it together with me and the whole community. 

Again, this alone is worth more than the cost of the whole program just for this. It’s awesome.
You will never feel alone on this journey. Whether you need the support of the community to pick you up and keep you going, to share and ask for help, the support from my team to point you in the right direction and help guide you…

...And You Will Be Supported
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is very step-by-step but it’s natural you’ll have questions along the way too. That’s why I have gone to great lengths to ensure you’ll be supported the whole way along your journey. 
During the first 8 weeks after we start the class I will hold weekly live ‘Office Hours’ where you can ask me anything.
Plus during our 4 Live Group Cleanses I will be available every day to support you in the community, on email and through our Live Q&A sessions – whether you’re doing the Group Cleanse or just following along!

So as you go through the program, if you ever have a question about your specific health challenges, goals, lifestyle challenges or more, you will be able to get the clarity you need.


You can always ask your question and get instant answers, practically 24/7, usually within minutes from the ARC Community. You will be able to interact, support and be supported by the amazing community that includes thousands of ARC students with their own success stories and masses of experience.

Being part of a likeminded, supportive, positive community is such a huge benefit, it can be life-changing and I can’t wait to welcome you in.
Everything You Need Will Be at Your Fingertips…When You Need It
Through the members website, our thriving Alkaline Reset Cleanse Community, access to me and my team, you will have everything you need to make your dream health a reality…whenever you need it.

The members site is also mobile-friendly, so all of your shopping lists, recipes, meal plans, guides and training are there for you on-the-go!

And it’s all based on my decade-plus experience of helping thousands upon thousands of people, from all walks of life, locations, with every health challenge imaginable to break through and transform their health with the Alkaline Reset Cleanse.

And now is the time for YOU!

The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Gets Real Results...
For Real People
Will this
If you've read this far then I know you're serious about this...but there could
just be a few last questions running through your mind...things like:

"I don't have time for anything else..."
The last thing you need is something else on your to-do list, to make your already busy life even more busy. This is where the Alkaline Reset Cleanse is unique – it will actually save you so much time and put time BACK into your life! More time than you could imagine.   The entire course has been structured intentionally to make it easy to follow and absorb. 
And when you start the ARC, with the done-for-you meal plans, shopping lists, recipes and all of the other time-saving (and money-saving) strategies embedded in each day of the plan, you will be saving, on average, over an hour per day compared to going it alone without my support.
That’s 21-hours saved over the three weeks of doing the ARC, and I would estimate that just these time savings alone are worth to you at least twice the cost of the program. 

"Will I have to be on a diet for the rest of my life?"
Absolutely not – the core of everything I teach and what you’ll see throughout the ARC Coaching Program is that life is there to be lived! You don’t have to be perfect, you can still have treats, be relaxed, go on date nights and have some wine, have a cheat meal (or day) relax on holidays and so on…
Once you have finished your Cleanse, your body will be entirely reset and ready to thrive. You don’t need to be perfect then in order to live a life filled with huge energy and vitality!
And the entire “After” module will show you how you can create just a few simple habits that will maintain and sustain your body’s newfound balance and keep the energy flowing for decades to come.

"Can I make this work with keto/paleo/Bulletproof/intermittent fasting…?"
Absolutely, yes. If you’re currently following or looking to start a keto, paleo or any other plan – the Alkaline Reset Cleanse is the perfect kickstart to this. It will prime and reset your body so the results you get from your plan will be double or even treble.

Plus, in the “After” module, I have an entire training on how to incorporate your new alkaline habits into these types of plans like keto, and you’d be surprised how easily they fit together and how complementary they are. 
"I don’t want or need to lose weight…?"
If you do not need to lose weight, then you will not lose weight. The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is not a weight loss plan. It is a body rebalancing plan.
Yes, people do lose weight, because they have weight to lose and excess weight is a symptom of imbalance. But being underweight is as much a symptom of imbalance as being overweight. And if you are underweight and need to GAIN weight, this will happen too .
"I have condition ‘x’ will it work for me?"
No matter what your goal, the ARC will work for you. Your body knows how to heal, repair and rebalance – no matter what your goal or challenge - and the Alkaline Reset Cleanse gives the body the nutrients it needs to make this happen.   

You've seen from the wide variety of results from my case studies - it is proven that the Cleanse can work powerfully for inflammation, autoimmune, brain tumors, cardiovascular disease, weight loss, chronic fatigue, digestive imbalance, skin conditions, arthritis and so much more.
Now is the time...
Now is YOUR Time!
It's time to decide if you're going to take this next step with me...

To guarantee you take action, get the result you need, to transform your health and life forever...

To get the most powerful results possible, in the shortest time, with the most enjoyable experience...
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Works. 
 We know it works...
And listen, you can do this. 

 You can say goodbye to all of the pain, the fatigue, the excess weight, the digestive issues, the hormone imbalance the reflux – whatever your health challenges are right now – you can put them in the past - and you can start getting results within the next 48 hours, to have done your cleanse within a few weeks and be thriving for the rest of your life. 

 Now is the time, now is your time.
Let's Get Started!

Very Limited Time Opportunity: Closes on 28th February

Join the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program Now

Just $497 $197 USD
Limited Time Special - This Will Cost $497 Next Time It's Available in 2021
Normally $497 (Save 60%)
"Your Complete Cover Guarantee"
Try the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program for 
THIRTY-DAYS 100% Risk-Free
Join today, experience what it’s like to be supported by me, try the recipes, follow the meal plans, download the guides, get on our live coaching calls, do the entire Alkaline Reset Cleanse or join me in our first Live Group Cleanse…

Try the entire program for thirty days and if you are unhappy, you can receive a full refund, no questions asked.

You can try the entire program, download all of the resources and even keep all of the bonuses. I am that confident you’re going to get amazing results, even if you only follow the first few lessons.

I have been teaching The Alkaline Reset Cleanse for a decade, to thousands of students and I have seen first-hand how quickly and easily they got incredible results.

I also know that I have made it easy to get started, intuitive and step-by-step to follow and I know I offer incredible support – the entire program has been built intentionally from start to finish to be an effortless learning experience.

This is why I feel so confident letting anyone try the whole thing for an entire month before they need to decide if they want to keep it.

This means it is absolutely zero-risk to you. You have absolutely nothing to lose. I want you to feel confident and relaxed that you can make the decision to join today without that risk.

And I have to warn you…

Warning: Registration for The Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program
The opportunity to get started with me and join the ARC Coaching Program is only open for FIVE DAYS and it will close promptly at 11:59pm EST on Friday 28th Feb – and will then be closed until February 2021.

The window to join is short and has a hard deadline closing time because on 29th February I turn all of my attention to teaching, coaching and supporting my new students (and my returning alumni!).

On 29th February we shift gears to supporting you and getting you started with no distractions.
That’s why it’s important you know that the registration period ends at 11:59PST on Friday, February 28th. You must register before that time. 

There are no exceptions to this.

So now is the time.  Let's get started and make your new health a reality!
Registration Closes In:
This is the FINAL Time the Program Will Be Offered for $197 - 2021's Class Will Be $497 
Limited Time Special
Normally $497 (Save 60%)
Leading Health Experts Praise for
"The Alkaline Reset Cleanse"
“The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a new way of thinking about your body, and it rocks. 

Ross will show you how to use the healing power of nature and your intuition—no starving, no cravings, nothing like your typical ‘detox.’

Radiant health is possible; let Ross guide the way.”
— Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author
“What you’re about to learn from Ross Bridgeford has never been more important.  We need this now. We need the
message it brings, and we need to put it into action. 

The fundamentals that Ross
will teach you could change your health forever.  He’s done the research and hard work, and has distilled it into the potent
plan you can now hold in your hands.”
— Ocean Robbins, Founder, Food Revolution Network
“The body is out of balance, and the
resulting environment is perfect for disease creation. Ross Bridgeford addresses
both of these root causes (deficiency and toxicity) in his groundbreaking Alkaline Reset Cleanse. It’s a simple, easy-to-follow guide that can teach you how to take control of your own health and literally activate your body’s self-healing mechanism and create an internal environment that fosters health
rather than sickness. My recommendation is simple: buy this.
 - Ty Bollinger, best-selling author of The Truth about Cancer
“I so enjoyed this! It totally satisfied the science geek in me who has been curious for years about the whole ‘alkaline diet’ thing. 

Whether you’re in a health crisis and desperately need an emergency overhaul or
are humming along and just want some powerful health hacks to add to your regimen, The Alkaline Reset Cleanse will deliver the goods.”
— Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, New York Times best-selling author of Bright Line Eating 
“The Alkaline Reset Cleanse isn’t just another diet or detox. 

It’s a road map for how to be super healthy and prosper at every level -  physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

This is the ultimate guide for super vitality and total mind-body health.”

— Jon Gabriel, creator of The Gabriel Method and best-selling author of Visualization for Weight Loss
“Ross has done an amazing job of simplifying exactly how to raise our energy without relying on quick fixes that leave us feeling even worse.

Instead, he provides a science-backed blueprint, helping you raise your energy naturally and quickly so that you live your life to the fullest. 

Apply its simple principles, and watch how your body and energy transform.”
— Yuri Elkaim, New York Times best-selling author of All-Day Energy Diet
"I am one week post-The Alkaline Reset Cleanse and so far I have lost 27lbs, my IBS has gone, my brain fog has lifted and I have so much energy!"

Jennifer Gordon, New York
"Doing the Alkaline Reset Cleanse completely cleared my inflammation.  I have got so much more energy now, my outlook is positive and the impact it has had on my family is priceless."

Samantha Smallwood, UK
"Since starting with you the brain tumor has disappeared, I've lost over 50lbs and my cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar are now all at normal levels.  Thank you again - you may well have saved my life."

Ali Sharifi, San Francisco 
This is no accident.  These results are not uncommon.  The Alkaline Reset Cleanse works, and it works every time no matter what the goal because it gets to the CORE of what your body needs to be able to heal, repair, restore and thrive...
This is the FINAL Time the Program Will Be Offered for $197 - 2021's Class Will Be $497 
Limited Time Special
Normally $497 (Save 60%)
 2020 Energise International ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.