Discover the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Revolution: Real People, Real Results

This is the 'Wall of Results'.  It is just some of the feedback I've had from my Alkaline Reset Cleanse students, who have been through my Coaching Program, and their wonderful, heartwarming stories.  The doors for 2025 are open, but closing in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Do You Want Ross to Be Your Cleanse Coach for the Next 12 Months?

Real World Case Studies: 
The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS!

Faced with worsening arthritis and a lifetime of strong medication, Denise reversed all of her symptoms, is now medication free, lost weight and her psoriasis too!

Denise BN

Juanita was diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune condition which left her frequently hospitalised.  She is now pain-free, medication-free, back to hiking and lost 30lbs.

Juanita Butler

Robert reversed the symptoms of his polycystic kidneys and chronic fatigue, and is now marathon running, and rosacea-free!  

Robert Boehm

Sam was struggling with fatigue, inflammation and arthritis.  She is now pain free, energized, lost weight and her family "has their Sam back"....

Sam Smallwood-Pounds

Eugenia was stressed, stuck in the sugar-crash-cycle and had gained weight.  Doing the ARC she lost 20lbs in 21 days and her energy skyrocketed.

Eugenia Blackmon

Sandra suffered from vertigo for months...until she did the Alkaline Reset Cleanse - and now she is vertigo-free!  It works!

Sandra GR 

Joanna struggled with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis and since doing the Cleanse is now medication-free!  All menopause symptoms are now also gone.

Joanna Handa

Pixie was struggling with fatigue and mental fog, but after doing the Alkaline Reset Cleanse she has incredible all-day energy,  and she's feeling great!

Pixie MacLeod-Hodgson

Cathy was desperate...10 years of digestive pain and adrenal fatigue.  The ARC solved both, and Cathy is thriving again.

Cathy Corn

Gina had survived cancer TWICE, but the treatment left her struggling.  After just ONE Cleanse she lost 20lbs in 28 days and her immunity is strong again.

Gina Stewart

Julie wanted her and her husband to lose weight - and they sure did!  Both lost 8lbs in just seven days, and Julie's hair and skin also got a big boost!

Julie Falls

Jacqui needed the refresh and to kickstart her health.  In the "Before" pre-Cleanse alone she lost 7lbs and this led to a total health transformation!

Jacqui Fehl

Nadine had a nagging illness from years before: tired, sluggish, not sleeping well, aches and pains - and it all disappeared in three weeks!

Nadine Brierley

Laura was struggling with low mood and  chronic fatigue.  After just the 'BEFORE' stage of the Cleanse her fatigue was gone, and now she is energized & thriving.

Laura Atyeo

Jennifer needed to get her life back on track after 3 tough years.  After her Cleanse she had lost 30lbs, her confidence was back and she's loving life!

Jennifer Gordon

Gail had gained weight, her energy had gone and she had a fatty liver diagnosis.  After her Cleanse she had lost  15lbs in 21 days, and her liver got the all-clear!

Gail Mulhall

Helen was diagnosed with osteoporosis of the spine two years prior.  After doing the ARC she went back to the doctor and got an 'all clear' diagnosis.  She's glowing!

Helen Reynolds

Barbara had a long-term struggle with her weight, nothing had worked.  Thanks to the ARC she lost 5 inches from her waist & 3 inches from her stomach!

Barbara Vasey

Valerie had been a long-term sufferer of fibromyalgia, struggling to get through each day due to pain and fatigue.  She did the ARC & is now pain-free and running!

Valerie Monks-Lascelle

Lost weight, belt in 2 notches!  Less fatigue, back to her old self.  Reflux gone, bloating gone, joint pain gone...and candida and adrenal fatigue gone too!

Corona Green

Annette was fed up with fatigue.  She needed it to change.  She did the Cleanse and now describes her energy as 'unbelievable'!

Annette Burgess

After a cancer diagnosis, Barbara joined the Alkaline Reset Cleanse and she saw her energy and mental clarity skyrocket. 

Barbara Aarden

Angelique has always struggled to lose weight, but in seven days she lost 7lbs!  She gained more energy, and compliments about how much she glows!

Angelique Baars

Simone did the ARC and now her skin is clear, her energy is amazing, no more hot flushes and she's able to sleep properly for the first time in years...

Simone Babineau

Tracey needed a reboot - after years of brain fog and fatigue, she did the Cleanse and said goodbye to both.  She's now energized, thriving and loving life!

Tracey Bessant

Joyce was desperate to get off pain medication and get back to being herself.  With the Cleanse she did just that, losing 12lbs in the process!

Joyce Doucette

Richard needed to reduce inflammation and lose weight.  He completed the ARC and achieved both!

Richard Arthur

Gail jumped into the Alkaline Reset Cleanse to heal her digestive system and give her back the energy she once had - it did not disappoint.

Gail McIver

Kate had decided that NOW was her time and she jumped in - she lost 10lbs, got rid of chronic fatigue, improved her skin and she's doing it again this year!

Kate Bonsor

Valerie was desperate for a reboot - and the Cleanse did it!  She stabilised her blood sugar, lost weight, her rashes cleared up and she has TONS of energy!

Valerie Frankel

Bente wanted to get her energy back, to get her weight stable again and give her back the mental clarity she needs as a high-volume publishing academic!

Bente Petersen

Tony has arthritis of the spine, which causes significant pain.  After just a few days of the ARC Tony's pain is almost all gone!

Tony Cass

Over 2,100 students have successfully completed the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching Program with me, their results are incredible.   They love the experience, they love how they feel and they return to the program year after year...

More Success Stories from the Alkaline Reset Cleanse!

I know I keep saying it, but The Alkaline Reset Cleanse WORKS...!

"I am one week post-The Alkaline Reset Cleanse and so far I have lost 27lbs, my IBS has gone, my brain fog has lifted and I have so much energy!"

Jennifer Gordon, New York
"Doing the Alkaline Reset Cleanse completely cleared my inflammation.  I have got so much more energy now, my outlook is positive and the impact it has had on my family is priceless."

Samantha Smallwood, UK
"Since starting with you the brain tumor has disappeared, I've lost over 50lbs and my cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar are now all at normal levels.  Thank you again - you may well have saved my life."

Ali Sharifi, San Francisco 
This is no accident.  These results are not uncommon.  The Alkaline Reset Cleanse works, and it works every time no matter what the goal because it gets to the CORE of what your body needs to be able to heal, repair, restore and thrive...
Do You Want to Join the Alkaline Reset Cleanse Program for 2021?  Click Below to Find Out More Now...
Limited Time Opportunity - Doors Close on 15th June
 2025 Energise International ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.